The author stresses the importance of addressing the techniques order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington necessary for the identification, order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington specification and realization order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington of services, flows and composition, as well as enterprise-wide components required to complete and guarantee the quality of services required a SOA. Date: November 9, 2004 Level: Intermediate Also available in: Russian order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington Japanese Activity: 148537 views Comments: There was a order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington lot of buzz order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington and hype - some facts, others not so well founded - the opportunities presented by service-oriented ( SOA) and implementation of Web services. Analysts have predicted, experts have professed, professors have lectured, companies order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington rushed to sell what they had, as SOA products - often missing the point that SOA is not a product. ITAS to bridge the gap between business and IT through a set of business-aligned IT services order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington with a set of design principles, models and techniques. ZDNet recently said, "Gartner predicts that by 2008, more than 60 order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington percent of enterprises use SOA as a" guiding principle "when order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington creating mission-critical applications and processes." A strong demand exists for order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington the development and the implementation of SOA. So if SOA is not just about products and standards that help to realize that, for example via Web services, and what other elements you need SOA?
Service-oriented modeling requires new activities order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington and artifacts that are not found in traditional object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD). âElements Article Service Oriented Analysis order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington and Design "describes an initial set of reasons why you need more OOAD. It also describes how the business process management and enterprise architecture (EA) and OOAD are insufficient to conduct analysis and design In addition, the IBM Redbook titled âPatterns :. Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services ", which illustrates the main activities of thisoriented modeling services.
However, there are other important factors to consider. On the one hand, current methods do not address OOAD latrois key elements of SOA: services, flows and services represent the components. They must order soma CC WALLACE 2403 Arlington also be able to explicitly address the techniques and processes necessary for the identification, specification and realization of services, flows and composition, as well as the components of enterprise level and provide the services necessary to perform the necessary quality.
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