REGISTRATION: Call me at (510) 836-1681 or send me an email in the folder next box. * I recommend that where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan the painters to attend my classes in the afternoon for a few weeks before departure. Download my writings on color theory with color graphics where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan here: * For beginners and advanced.
(One or two non-painters where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan are also welcome) Two weeks in Tuscany, followed by two weeks in Liguria: June 2012 (exact date TBA) in Tuscany (First half of June) We were at a farm nestled in olive where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan groves and vineyards where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan twenty minutes south of Florence. There are countless questions of painting the windows and where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan a short walk from the house. Traditional Tuscan dinners prepared by our young guests where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan will showcase exceptional wine farm organic olive oil. There will be a long day of sightseeing in Florence to visit the where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan main places of artistic and eat. As head of the drink in the open to the Uffizi Gallery helped me clean up after the disastrous flood of 1966.
Because of this experience I am qualified to be an inaccessible Florence for the casual where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan tourist. In Liguria (second half of June) we were in a traditional house surrounded where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan by vineyards and five minutes walk along a dirt road to the restaurant where we eat dinner together. We rotate three at a time, for four days through an apartment near La Spezia. We spent two or three days painting the Cinque Terre. $ 500 price for successful referrals (for two weeks in two places)Includes transportation after arrival at the farm, all meals, accommodation and oil painting. (In Liguria two students share a room for four days in La Spezia) limited space: the minimum class size is six. REGISTRATION: Call me at (510) 836-1681 or send me an email in the contact area below for more details. A deposit of $ 500 must be formal where can I order soma 350 mg Michigan register that must occur before the end of December 2011. Plus deposit of $ 1,000 must be mid-February and mid-March with the balance at the end of April. These deposits are not refundable unless you cancel the trip.
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